
For events which are hosted by Cleveland State it is our responsibility to provide ASL interpreters, CART, and Closed Captioning to participants as part of accommodating attendees with disabilities. If the event is virtual or a webinar, you can visit our Online Meetings and Webinars page for details on how to facilitate the accommodations. Cleveland State is not responsible for accommodation request for ASL, CART, or Closed Captioning for events hosted at Cleveland State facilities by external organizations or for private parties not related to university business. In those cases Disability Services can give the event coordinator the contact information of service providers that are able to fill these requests at the external organizations expense.

To provide ASL, CART, or Closed captioning accommodations we will need the event sponsor to work with Disability Services to schedule and provide the accommodations. The event sponsor is the responsible party or their delegate that participants must contact for placing accommodation requests for events hosted by or at Cleveland State University. The event sponsor is the first contact for a person requesting accommodations. To make requests go smoother and limit last minute requests, it is recommended that a point of contact be listed for all events hosted by or at Cleveland State. We have participants requesting accommodations contact the event sponsor because that is the contact which has all relevant information for the event for placing requests with Disability Services.

The following Timeline applies for requests for Public Events or meetings:

  • 5 business days advanced notice for ASL interpreters or CART
  • 10 business days advanced notice for Closed Captioning or Transcripts of Audio files

We need the event sponsor or other delegated personnel working on the event with the relevant information to place the request to Disability Services through our Custom Event Request Form. By submitting your requests through this form we capture all relevant information for the requested accommodation. This request form is only for ASL, CART, and Closed Captioning requests. For all other requests please visit our CSU Visitors Page.

Event Sponsors Requesting Services

Steps 4 and 5 may not be relevant if you already have a user account in the Disability Services Online System. In that case please enter the contact information in the Notes field of the request form.
  1. Login to using your CSUID and CampusNet Password
  2. Enter your e-mail address. It is important that you remember which e-mail you use because it can be used for looking up your submitted requests.
  3. Click Submit Custom Request
  4. Please enter the Event Contact Information
    • The contact person is the event sponsor or delegated responsible party with the event that can answer questions about facilitating services for the event
    • Department would be the name of the organization coordinating the event. It may be an office, organization, or academic department.
    • It is important that we have the relevant contact phone number and e-mail for the contact with the event for coordinating services.
    • Do not enter the Index number for billing
  5. Click Register Account
  6. Enter the Event Name
  7. Enter information about the Speakers for the event. If there are no scheduled speakers like for a Career Fair please describe the event. (Examples: round table, exhibit hall, campus tour)
  8. Please enter the start date and the start and end times of the event. If the event is more than one day please specify in the Notes field or place separate requests for each day.
  9. For the location if it is on campus you can enter the room number (example SC313) and if off campus or virtual please enter the more specific address, room information or meeting login link or ID.
  10. Please select the services requested ASL Interpreting, CART, or Video Captioning
  11. Select the format of the video if Closed Captioning is requested. If web links please place the links in the Notes field.
  12. In the notes field we would like the contact information of the individual that requested the accommodation for your event. This is in case we need to contact that person for more information. We also would like other information like a web link for event details, duration of the event if it is longer than one day, links for media used, and other details that could affect the services provided.
  13. Click Submit Custom Request

In the event description field it is important to have as much detail about how the event will run as possible. It is important to have information like how many speakers, if it is an open forum or plain presentation, if media is displayed and how, and if there are sessions before or after the event where the person will need to interact with others which is related to the event. If the event is virtual, please add all relevant information for connecting to the online platform used.

When placing closed Captioning Requests through this form it is important to know if the media is hosted on a publically available website for the participants or if it is strictly shown for this event. It is also helpful to know if the video is displayed through PowerPoint presentations or as part or separate of other media.

View Submitted Requests

You can view the requests that are submitted for an e-mail. This will give the information about the requestor, event information, dates and times, and the status of the request.

  1. Login to using your CSUID and CampusNet Password
  2. Enter the e-mail used for placing the request
  3. Click Request Status

If you do not hear back from Disability Services about an event request within 1 business day, please call 216-687-2015 to ask about your event request submission.

Cleveland State University
Disability & Testing Services
2124 Chester Avenue
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2015
Fax: 216-687-2343

Testing Services
2124 Chester Ave.
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 215
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2272
Fax: 216-687-2212

Dr. Nick Petty
Director, Disability and Testing Services

Jeffery Dell
Asst. Director Assistive Tech

Manager, Testing and Note Taking Services

Mary Lynn Dixon
Specialist, Disability and Testing Services

Specialist, Accessible Media

Test Proctor