Classroom Furniture Accommodations

For students who are unable to use the furniture placed in campus classrooms Disability and Testing Services provides the accommodation of placing furniture in the space that the student can access. When requests are submitted in our online system by students for this accommodation, it typically takes a week to get the furniture placed. The requests must come from the student. This is for tracking purposes and to enable students to place requests in the future when this need arises.

To request this as an accommodation, students must follow the registration process for Disability and Testing Services and then use our online system to place requests for courses that they need the accessible furniture placed. This accommodation, unlike many other accommodations approved through Disability and Testing Services, has lower documentation requirements. Most information can be gathered through prudent observation for the need. If not providing documentation with your application, please notify that you are submitting an application for an accessible furniture request to move the process along. ODS provides this accommodation in the following circumstances.

  • Students are using wheelchairs and cannot use the desks and workspaces found in the classrooms
  • Students have ergonomic needs that cannot be satisfied by the furniture in the classrooms
  • Students need bariatric chairs to provide more support than is possible in the furniture in the classroom
  • Students cannot fit in the tutor style desks that are in many classrooms either because of height or size

Disability Services has a variety of furniture that is used for meeting the above needs. When meeting with staff in Disability Services for the intake appointment options can be discussed. Upon conclusion of the intake appointment students can place their request. This puts the request in queue to be carried out and generates a Faculty Notification Letter. Professors receive the Faculty Notification Letter so they may assist with the accommodation if necessary. Disability & Testing Services works with the Facilities and the Campus Movers to have the furniture placed in the classroom where necessary.

Language in Faculty Notification Letter for Accessible Furniture Requests
Classroom Furniture/Location
This furniture will be placed in the classroom by FAST at the request of Disability Services. If this accessible furniture is not in the classroom, please contact Disability Services at 216-687-2015 or to rectify.

This message is directly proceeded by specific notes about what furniture is necessary.

Identification of Furniture

All furniture that is placed in classrooms is tagged with a note from Disability and Testing Services. This is so that faculty or staff can see if the furniture belongs in that location. On occasion, we have trouble with people taking the furniture from classrooms and moving it to other classrooms or study areas. If furniture with our tag is found in a location where it is not tagged for we would appreciate a call to 216-687-2015 or e-mail to notify our office so that we may have it moved back to its intended location.

The tag we place on furniture states:

Placed by Disability Services for an Accommodation Please contact 216-687-2015 if found moved.

On the other side of the tag it states the intended location and the term it was placed.

With questions about this accommodation please reach out to 216-687-2015 or send a message to

Cleveland State University
Disability & Testing Services
2124 Chester Avenue
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2015
Fax: 216-687-2343

Testing Services
2124 Chester Ave.
Rhodes Tower West (RW) 215
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2272
Fax: 216-687-2212

Dr. Nick Petty
Director, Disability and Testing Services

Jeffery Dell
Asst. Director Assistive Tech

Manager, Testing and Note Taking Services

Mary Lynn Dixon
Specialist, Disability and Testing Services

Specialist, Accessible Media

Test Proctor